14th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics

May 20th - 23rd, 2015 Traunkirchen Monastery, Austria

Johannes Kepler Universität Linz


Proceeding fulltext paper

A proceeding containing the extended papers of the conference will be published in the APP journal.

  • LaTex template: Download
  • APP content verification: Download
  • Deadline for submission of the 4-5 pages proceedings: July 17th, 2015

5 selected journal papers

5 papers will be selected by the scientific committee of the conference and will be published immediately after the conference in the Acta Polytechnica CTU (ISSN 1210-2709) scopus indexed journal.

All these papers will be peer-reviewed by a selected group of the scientific committee of YSESM.

The editors of this special issue are: Prof. Z Major, IPPE JKU and Dr. Dan Kytyr ITAM ASCR.

  • Template will be available soon
  • Deadline for submission of the 5 selected papers: TBA


Abstracts have to be written in English, not more than two formatted pages and submitted also in PDF format until 15.04.2015

MS Word (up to 2007) template & formatting instructions (doc format)
MS Word (2007 and newer) template & formatting instructions (docx format)

Poster and presentation

The participants can present their poster during a short oral presentation. After the oral presentations there is a poster session for presenting the posters selected for this session.

Short oral session
Podium time is limited to max. 10 minutes for poster introduction.
(Please prefer for the presentation Microsoft Power Point 2007 or newer version.)

Poster presentation
Poster should not exceed the A0 paper size (841 x 1189 mm).